Posts tagged ‘anal sex’

April 11, 2011

Gay and Celibate for 10 yrs; Donate Blood in Britain

by Accidental Bear

First off this counts out anyone I know. I am dumbfounded by laws that are made that make no sense and deemed useless. How do they expect to collect the data of these supposed men who claim to have 10 yrs of celibacy. Maybe they will add a new segment on the Maury Povich Show and they will give lie detector tests to sexual deviant homosexual who wish to give blood , who claim to have had no sex in 10 yrs (Define sex?). It will be a jam packed show with,” Is that your baby Daddy? results and the new addition, ” I are a lying cock sucking Deviant?”



Britain To Let Gay Men Donate Blood (If They Haven’t Had Any Gay Sex In 10 Years)

Via Queerty

Great news, do-gooding homosexual Britons: The blood police are going to let you give up your O-negatives and your AB-positives and your plasma! Well, so long as you’ve been celibate for 10 years.

Britain’s health minister Anne Milton will soon announce revised rules for donating blood that let gay men enter the mix. But there’s one big asterisk: only gay men who have not had gay sex within the past 10 years are eligible to get a needle stuck in their arm. You know, because you’re all HIV-carrying monsters, and health officials simply don’t know how to properly screen for improprieties. Also, because having butt sex with another dude three years ago, or eight years, or nine years, still makes you a risk factor!

It’s been a change year’s in the making. (See our 2009 post: “Britain Ready to Admit: No Good to Reason to Ban Gay Blood Donors.” With data showing that only two people in the U.K. have been infected with HIV via blood transfusions since 1985 (you know, when AIDS scares were all the rage), the ban on gay blood has long been viewed as outdated, discriminatory, and even malicious.


April 8, 2011

Lets Talk Anal Sex. Are you In?

by Accidental Bear
Male genital anatomy, showing the location of ...

Image via Wikipedia

It is true, gays are not all fudge packers and or the fudge. Although our community is in a constant state of sexual alertness (CODE RED). Whether you agree, or not, I’m right. What makes a man gay? Love getting his ass rammed? Rimmed? Topping? Being pig roasted? Like any other adult topic, it is not black and white, some times it is all brown and messy.


Corvino: Is there one ‘real’ kind of gay sex?


By John Corvinocolumnist,

This column is about anal sex. So if you don’t like reading about such things, stop reading now.

Many years ago I lived next door to a young born-again-Christian rock singer. (He probably would dislike reading about anal sex. Glad you’re still here, though.) While Jason strongly disapproved of my gayness, he was also fascinated by it, and he constantly asked me questions.

One day I revealed to him that I had never had anal sex. His face brightened. “That’s awesome!” he shouted.

“Why, pray tell, is it awesome?” I asked.

“Because maybe you’ll try it, and then realize you don’t like it, and then you won’t be gay.”

December 17, 2010

Bug Chasers. Myth? Taboo?

by Accidental Bear




So, i’ve heard of the term Bug Chaser for years and thought it to be to FAR OUT to actually have any truth to it. I’ve often made humorless jokes using it as a punch line. Those  who know me personally know my crass humor. Maybe naive, but  I really thought it was ok to joke  because there couldn’t possibly be individuals out there that go out of their way to intentionally become HIV positive. Organized parties where the gift bag was HIV infection. How do you talk about such a subject without any judgment?  My first reaction is anger. I want to grab a ” Bugchaser” and scream, asking whether they would like me to put a gun to their head, because it would be less painful than going through the mental and physical pain one who is HIV goes through.

Secondly , they must have never lost anyone from complications to HIV. Or are they that out of their mind? That mentally unstable? That desperate for attention? Suicidal? During a conversation with friends the other night, the topic of Bug Chasers came up ( of course ,from me and my love of talking about taboo , awkward topics) . Half of the room laughed it off like ,” yeah right” they said. And the other half had different definitions of  what it meant to be a bug Chaser. So, I did a little research.

But I have to say, having no judgement on this topic, I cannot. I’ll work on being judemental when it come to bad haircuts, outfits and such. Don’t be afraid to talk about things taboo! Here is what I dicovered :

Wikipedia say’s

Bugchasing is a slang term for the practice of pursuing sex with HIV infected individuals in order to contract HIV. Bugchasers may seek HIV infection for a variety of reasons.

Bugchasers seek sexual partners who are HIV positive for the purpose of having unprotected sex and becoming HIV positive; giftgivers are HIV positive individuals who comply with the bugchaser’s efforts to become infected with HIV.

Writer Daniel Hill outlined a scenario where such behavior might occur:

In private sex clubs across the U.S. men gather for a chance to participate in what is called Russian Roulette. Ten men are invited, nine are HIV−, one is HIV+. The men have agreed to not speak of AIDS, nor HIV. They participate in as many unsafe sexual encounters with each other as possible, thus increasing their chances to receive “the bug.” These are the men known as ‘Bug Chasers 

What are bug parties?

Bug parties are sex parties often ranging from a few to as much as 30 people. Unsafe sex with every participant at the party is encouraged. There are several variations of bug parties. At some, there is one member of the “orgy” that is HIV positive. Only this individual and the host know his positive status. The remaining participants know that there is an infected person in the room, but do not know his identity. The participants then partake in a night usually filled with alcohol, drugs and of course unsafe sex.

In other variations of a bug party, there is one person who is not infected with HIV, however the other participants are or may be. Every one is aware of the person who disease free. The HIV negative person then allows the infected guys to have unprotected anal sex with him.

Why do people participate in bug parties?

Many psychologists theorize that participation in bug parties is actually an anxiety disorder where the non-infected individuals fear getting HIV so greatly that they would rather contract it and free themselves of the anxiety of living in fear. These parties are also seen as a sort of club for those living with HIV. Infecting a HIV negative and willing participant initiates them into their world. Some people also engage in unprotected anal sex (or barebacking) as the fear for AIDS dangerously dwindles.

The Gift” from filmmaker Louise Hogarth is a documentary about gay men who purposely contract HIV. According to Rolling Stone, one character in the film admits “I was relieved. I didn’t have to worry. Do I need to be careful — not any more.” Yet another willing 21-year-old regrets his choice. “I’ve made a terrible mistake and there’s no fixing that. There is no benefit in this and that’s what needs to be said.”