Is a Wedding Band a Marking of Ownership Like Livestock?

by Accidental Bear

Is there really something to that song sung by that lady, ”

Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
Don’t be mad once you see that *he* want it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
(2x) Wuh Uh Oh Uh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh Uh Uh Oh
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
Don’t be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it

The whole heterosexual engagement ring offering and accepting event has me thinking. Is it a sign of “ownership”. It reminds me of growing up on a farm actually. All the birds that my dad “owned”, when born into bird slavery got bands around their legs , so if to fly off, when found the ownership was for certain. Livestock would get these bands stapled through their young tender ears. Some cattle get signed with the most extreme ownership, Branded ( I tell you there’s noting like being near a branding and smelling cooked meat.)You ARE what you eat. There is so much deception around wedding rings as well. Anything you can slip off and hide in your pocket to change your social status from unavailable to available  is WAY to easy for those with a wandering eye.

With gays about to be able to get married Nation wide it makes me think about wedding traditions. Will gays wear the ring on the left hand as well? Or will they exchange cock-rings? ( geeez , just asking) Google has a Ba-zillion websites selling “gay commitment bands” and other gay specific wedding items. Time to throw some money into ” gay wedding” type stocks. People are profiting from the wide spread acceptance of homo’s marrying.

Im still not sure exactly where I stand. OF COURSE , I think anyone who wants to get married in the traditional sense should be allowed, but Im talking about me personally. Why do people want to be part of this ceremony of THE CHURCH, the same church that hates you? The only obviously positive point of being married through the state are the legal rewards ( funny to be considered a reward for getting the same rights as our hetero brothers and sisters). I’ve seen a close friends ashes, after he passed being fought over by his partner-LTR and his family ( who were absent his whole life until money of his were to be dispensed). Being legally married would make this much clearer and us gays would have the law on our side. What I’m curious to see play out are gay divorces. ( in my mind I see a gay version of a Dynasty pool fight play out).

I as of today, when the time is right, would like to have a commitment ceremony recognized by the state with same legal rights as marriage. I WANT TO LOCK IN MY  FINAL ANSWER!

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