Posts tagged ‘Homosexuality’

August 30, 2011

News: Recriminalize Homosexuality, Choi’s Trial, Romney Too Gay Friendly, Bigamist and Pedophiles are ‘Waiting in the Wings’

by Accidental Bear


Bryan Fischer, spokesman for the American Family Association (which hosted Rick Perry’s prayer rally), called today for the recriminalization of homosexuality. Though laws against “sodomy” were found unconstitutional in 2003 in Lawrence v. Texas, Fischer said there is “no reason why it cannot be a criminal offense once again.”


The debate over inserting a constitutional amendment into North Carolina’s constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage isn’t until next month, but proponents of the measure are already organizing in support of the effort. Gregory Phillips of the Fay Observer has this report from yesterday’s small protest: “Ana Maria Blevins, who organized the protest and brought two of her children… said the amendment is necessary because without it, bigamists and pedophiles are ‘waiting in the wings,’ ready to take advantage of any court rulings that challenge the existing law, she said. The demonstrators, several of whom attend church together, objected to same-sex marriage on religious grounds. ‘You do what you want in your own bedroom, but you don’t have a right – a small percentage of the population – to redefine marriage for the rest of us,’ said Heather Harrison. ‘It’s all designed to shove down our throats a lifestyle that is totally against God’s word.’”

Rick Perry Doesn’t Like Romney Because He’s Too Gay Friendly

Perry, who proudly wears an Eagle Scout pin on his lapel, has harshly criticized Romney for a decision made while he ran the Olympics not to allow Boy Scouts to be official volunteers during the games. “Several years have gone by, and neither Mitt Romney nor anyone else who served as an official of the 2002 Winter Olympics has given a clear and logical explanation of why the door to volunteerism was shut on a willing ‘army’ of Boy Scout volunteers,’’ Perry wrote in his 2008 book, “On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts are Worth Fighting For.’’

Choi’s Trial Ends Day One, With More to Come Tuesday

While former Lt. Dan Choi has already spent a day in federal court for the charge of failing to obey a lawful order by a police officer, things are moving at a pace that left Choi’schoi.jpg defense guessing that the bench trial may take three days.  Choi, who has gained a national reputation as a prominent figure in the fight against the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, was arrested with 12 other activists on Nov. 15, 2010, after the group chained themselves to the White House fence to protest the Obama administration’s lack of action on repealing the military policy. Under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which was repealed in late December 2010, members of the military could be investigated and discharged on the suspicion that they were homosexuals.


With the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell only three weeks away, OutServe Magazine is expanding its outreach to LGBT servicemembers. In addition to a new interactive website, the magazine now has distribution rights on Air Force and Army bases, which means it will be on the shelves of military exchanges for the first time. The Sept. 20 issue will commemorate the repeal with profiles of nearly 100 gay, lesbian, and bisexual servicemembers.

GLAAD on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ casting Chaz Bono: ‘Tremendous step forward’

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation doesn’t typically weigh in on the latest round of celebrities on Dancing with the Stars, but then it’s not every season that a transgender and an openly gay man decide to tango under the mirror ball. As a result, GLAAD lauded ABC for including Chaz Bono and Carson Kressley in the 13th season“With both gay and transgender contestants represented on this upcoming season, ABC will send viewers a strong message about the diversity within the LGBT community,” said Herndon Graddick, senior of director of programs for GLAAD, in a statement. “At a time when transgender representation in the media is sorely lacking, Chaz Bono joining the cast is a tremendous step forward for the public to recognize that transgender people are another wonderful part of the fabric of American culture. Appearing on such a high-profile show will allow millions of Americans to get to know him in a whole new light.”

August 10, 2011

CARTOON: How Marcus Bachman Cures Homosexuality

by Accidental Bear

July 5, 2011

India Health Minister Calls Homosexuality Disease

by Accidental Bear

I propose a punishment for his verbal diarrhea: Put the minister in a cage full of lions and tigers after rubbing him down with raw meat, all the while gay-homesexuals surround the cage bumping and grinding the Born This Way by Ms Gaga, Lady Gaga if you’re nasty. AB

Ghulam Nabi Azad(via AP Press)

NEW DELHI— India’s health minister derided homosexuality as an unnatural “disease” from the West at an HIV/AIDS conference, drawing outrage Tuesday from a U.N. official and activists who said the comments set back campaigns for gay rights and against HIV.

In a hastily called news conference Tuesday evening, Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said he was misquoted, though video of Monday’s speech has aired repeatedly on Indian television.

“Some people have played with the words. I have been quoted out of context,” he said. “My reference was to HIV as a disease. As health minister, I know (male homosexual sex) is not a disease.”


May 30, 2011

Study Shows, More Countries Accepting Homosexuality

by Accidental Bear

The vast majority of countries around the world have become more accepting of homosexuality, with the exception of Russia and other former socialist countries, a new study has found.
The report, compiled by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, examined general trends in over 30 countries regarding their attitudes towards homosexuality, and is based on five surveys conducted in different countries between 1988 and 2008.
Approval of homosexuality increased in 27 countries and decreased in only four: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Russia, the study noted.
The growth in approval ratings was stronger than the decline.
The study rated the top five most tolerant countries regarding homosexuality as the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, and Belgium, according to the survey. The bottom half of the list consisted of seven ex-socialist states, East Asian nations, Latin American countries and Cyprus, South Africa, and Turkey. READ MORE

May 11, 2011

Sex Chart Revealed; The word Top Appears More Frequently than Bottom in Sex Ads

by Accidental Bear

I love graphs! Who really has time to count the number of sex ads posted, bj’s given or which cities gay sex ads most commonly use the words “top” or “top”? The answer is Zamin Dharsi, who claims that ” he is a hybrid strategic thinker and visual designer who places a strong emphasis on human research.” Read his results in this visually pleasing sex chart. ~AB (Thanks Queerty)


Gay Sex in America Infographic


In an effort to understand an often misunderstood sub-culture within society, I researched the role of sex within the gay community.Specifically conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis using Craigslist, I uncovered which cities in the United States have the highest homosexual populations, and how they compare in using the internet as a mechanism to come together.
May 10, 2011

Gay Sailors Will Be Able to Wed on Base

by Accidental Bear

Really? It seems as if our Country has a syncing problem. Part of the US is moving gaywardly forward, while the rest is stuck in the mud. Married gay sailors = HOT! Married gay sailors = a positive role model for the US as a whole. ~AB


By Michelle Garcia at Advocate Daily


Following the impending repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” Navy chaplains have been given the go-ahead to perform weddings for same-sex couples in states where marriage equality has been legalized.

An April 13 document from the Office of the Chief of Navy Chaplains was recovered recently, showing that inquiries were made into whether chaplains will be allowed to perform such ceremonies. After legal review “legal counsel has concluded that base use is sexual orientation-neutral. If the base is located in a state where same-sex marriage is legal, then base facilities may normally be used to celebrate the marriage,” the document says.

Chaplains are allowed to officiate same-sex civil marriages if the church they belong to recognizes the union.

April 11, 2011

Gay and Celibate for 10 yrs; Donate Blood in Britain

by Accidental Bear

First off this counts out anyone I know. I am dumbfounded by laws that are made that make no sense and deemed useless. How do they expect to collect the data of these supposed men who claim to have 10 yrs of celibacy. Maybe they will add a new segment on the Maury Povich Show and they will give lie detector tests to sexual deviant homosexual who wish to give blood , who claim to have had no sex in 10 yrs (Define sex?). It will be a jam packed show with,” Is that your baby Daddy? results and the new addition, ” I are a lying cock sucking Deviant?”



Britain To Let Gay Men Donate Blood (If They Haven’t Had Any Gay Sex In 10 Years)

Via Queerty

Great news, do-gooding homosexual Britons: The blood police are going to let you give up your O-negatives and your AB-positives and your plasma! Well, so long as you’ve been celibate for 10 years.

Britain’s health minister Anne Milton will soon announce revised rules for donating blood that let gay men enter the mix. But there’s one big asterisk: only gay men who have not had gay sex within the past 10 years are eligible to get a needle stuck in their arm. You know, because you’re all HIV-carrying monsters, and health officials simply don’t know how to properly screen for improprieties. Also, because having butt sex with another dude three years ago, or eight years, or nine years, still makes you a risk factor!

It’s been a change year’s in the making. (See our 2009 post: “Britain Ready to Admit: No Good to Reason to Ban Gay Blood Donors.” With data showing that only two people in the U.K. have been infected with HIV via blood transfusions since 1985 (you know, when AIDS scares were all the rage), the ban on gay blood has long been viewed as outdated, discriminatory, and even malicious.


March 28, 2011

Disgusting Gay Sex For 2 Hours

by Accidental Bear

I am sorry to have to cuss, but what an asshole. When someone goes way out and beyond to hate and teach hate, they are hiding something big. I want a warrant to go into John Hollowells ( I refused to call priests Father. The title is an attempt to cover their perversion and give them some kind of respect which they have NONE of mine) life and pull his demons out of the closet. After watching his videos I puked in my mouth a little bit.


Watch Father John Hollowell Teach Catholic Students About Disgusting Gay Sex For 2 Hours

Father John Hollowell, the chaplain of Indianapolis‘ Cardinal Ritter High School, is less concerned with his pupils scoring high on standardized tests than he is making sure they never have same-sex relations. Because education is nothing if kids don’t learn what is and is not an abomination before god.

After all, “the Bible is completely useless,” Hollowell told the class on Thursday, if homosexuality is “okay in god’s eyes. … Old and New Testament in multiple places say homosexual acts are an ‘abomination,’ a grave offense against God. The Catholic Church upholds that teaching as well. So you have two options: God is cool with homosexuality, homosexual acts, I should say … or what the Bible and the Church say about it is correct? Okay? There’s no middle ground on that issue.” If that weren’t excruciating enough, realize that kids had to sit through two hours of Hollowell’s support of conversion therapy and denunciation of gay marriage and adoption.

Read more:

March 5, 2011

News to me! Donald Trump Hates Gay People

by Accidental Bear

No and if buts about it. You are either with us or against us. We are not discussing a so-so film we are talking about peoples lives. So, Donald and your fickin’ hilarious comb-over can SUCK IT. When someone FAILS so badly at his own personal relationships, they should be given a muzzle and by law not a loud to give their 2 cents.


If there’s one thing Donald Trump can do, it is out-do Donald Trump. And he’s done it again with regard for his disdain for homosexuals, with the serial divorcée following up his opposition to same-sex marriage with a declaration in Iowa that gay couples don’t even deserve medical civil benefits: “no and no.”

Read more:

January 27, 2011

Ugandan gay rights activist David Kato found murdered

by Accidental Bear

These stories make my blood boil. I say eye for an eye. I can’t imagine living in such fear. All things in perspective, TODAY I WILL NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT ANYTHING!

VIA home

Real and substantive’ investigation urged after advocacy officer for Sexual Minorities Uganda bludgeoned to death in Mukono

    • David Kato was murdered weeks after winning a court case against the Ugandan newspaper Rolling StoneDavid Kato was murdered weeks after winning a court case against the Ugandan newspaper Rolling Stone over its policy of identifying homosexuals in its pages. Photograph: Marc Hofer/AFP/Getty Images

One of Uganda‘s most prominent gay rights activists has been murdered in his home weeks after winning a court victory over a tabloid that called for homosexuals to be killed.

David Kato, the advocacy officer for Sexual Minorities Uganda, was bludgeoned to death in Mukono, Kampala, yesterday afternoon. Witnesses saw a man fleeing the scene in a car, and police are investigating.