Hump Day Headlines: It Gets Better — Even for Adventists, BRAZIL’S ‘STRAIGHT PRIDE,’ ‘VALUES’ IOWA BUS TOUR…

by Accidental Bear

NPR’s Featured ‘Ex-Gay’ Guest Commits Over $200,000 To Dangerous, Unscientific Ex-Gay ‘Coachings National Public Radio has yet to apologize for the platform it provided Rich Wyler on Monday to spout as many lies about sexual orientation as he could fit into the segment. NPR featured Wyler for being ex-gay and allowed him to testify about all the promise he believes reparative therapy offers to people not happy with their same-sex attractions, despite the fact that there is scientific consensus that ex-gay therapy is harmful and ineffective. But NPR made another big journalistic mistake besides its inappropriate framing of ex-gay therapy — the story neglected to mention that Wyler makes his entire living off of providing ex-gay therapy to vulnerable and insecure men he convinces to try to change.

It Gets Better — Even for Adventists While activists within the denomination are trying to change its policies, the official Adventist position is not accepting of LGBT people. That position, as spelled out on the denomination’swebsite, is that sexual activity is reserved for marriage between a man and a woman and that “God’s Word does not countenance a homosexual lifestyle.” The church characterizes homosexuality as “a manifestation of the disorder and brokenness in human inclinations and relations caused by sin coming into the world.”

HIV Rates Up Significantly for Young Black Gay, Bi Men On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released newBLACK AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN X390 (PHOTOS) | ADVOCATE.COMstatistics on HIV infections from 2006 to 2009, and while the rate remained relatively stable, alarming trends emerged among men who have sex with men, especially African-American MSM.                                                                                                                                        

BRAZIL’S LARGEST CITY MAY HOST ‘STRAIGHT PRIDE’ DAY  Lawmakers in São Paulo, Brazil have “advanced a measure that would establish a “Straight Pride’ Day” in the country’s largest city. The bill, which seeks to address some of the “privileges” afforded to the gay community, is currently “awaiting the approval from Gilberto Kassab, the city’s mayor.” Brazil offers same-sex couples many of the same benefits as opposite-sex couples, but does not recognize marriage equality. Last month, however, a judge allowed a same sex-couple to wed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PAWLENTY AND SANTORUM JOIN HATE GROUP’S ‘VALUES’ IOWA BUS TOUR The Family Research Council, National Organization for Marriage, and Susan B. Anthony List, along with Reps. Steve King (R-IA) and Louie Gohmert (R-TX), are chartering an anti-gay, anti-choice “Values Voter” bus tour across Iowa next week. GOP presidential candidates Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum have already committed to participating in the tour and Michele Bachmann and others are expected to join as well. The hate-driven tour will hit 22 cities over four days, passing through 47 of Iowa’s 99 counties.

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