This is Not a Polo Shirt; Band of Outsiders

by Accidental Bear

These non-polos are a fresh spin on the shirts I was sporting in my 4th, 5th and 6th grade school pictures. I’m thinking about bringing back the bowl cut for a complete ensemble. What’s the difference between polo and rugby shirts?


This is not a Polo Shirt by Band of Outsiders for Spring/Summer 2011

Via Selectism

This is not a Polo Shirt by Band of Outsiders for Spring/Summer 2011

This is Not a Polo Shirt is a spin-off of the Band of Outsiders collection. What they are of course is just that. Variations of the classic polo and well done. “Reimagined by way of color combination, stripe type, and artful ornament, each shirt this season brings a lovable, LA touch to the tennis court constant.” Opening Ceremony has them.



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